Holistic Therapies



Reiki uses the body’s own energy to transform and heal. Mainstream life today such as lack of sleep and exercise, stress, poor diet and negative environments weaken your natural energy.

 Physiological blockages can occur within the body (chakras) and through this hands on healing method these blockages can be cleared.  

Full Reiki body treatment: $95 (allow 1 hour)

Uplifting Rapid Reiki: $50 (allow 30 minutes)


Aromatherapy Back Massage

Individual oil prescription blended for you to optimise your emotional and physical wellbeing.

$60 - 20 minutes.

Aromatherapy Facial

An individual prescription blended for you to assist with any emotional or physical challenges you may be facing, or to simply escape the world for an indulgent aromatic experience - truly blissful.

$100 - 1 hour

Aromatherapy Prescription for Home Use

An individually blended oil for you to use at home.

By request

Spa Therapies

Relax in a private spa to unwind from the stress of a day prior to any body or facial treatment.

Add $30

Health & Wellness Consultations

Do you consider your health your number one asset?

Do you have underlying chronic health issues or want to help prevent the onset of 'age-related' disease using complementary therapies and good nutrition based on science? Our body systems all rely on one another to work in sync to achieve overall health and wellness. When one system is imbalanced there is a domino effect which creates other problems.  


The consultation can cover a range of topics, including…


Diet and Physiology

Improve your energy levels and sleep patterns by understanding the effects of your diet on your physiology.

Digestive Imbalances

Improve digestive imbalances which can cause a myriad of conditions which affect your skin, such as acne, and also affects gut health and your immune system.

Stress and Hormones

Understand how stress can affect your hormones and the overall health of your body systems; from puberty to menopause and the effects on your skin and aging.

In-depth written report

Receive an in-depth written report outlining recommendations toward improved health & vitality using scientific research, plus the holistic approach to the body with complementary therapies; aromatherapy, supplementation, diet & nutrition, plus other Naturopathic principles.


Mental Health

Learn how to improve your nutrient intake to impact positively on low mood or improve mental health outcomes. Understand how your food choices and supplementation can impact on epigenetics and your brain.

Mental Health and nutritional advice is also offered around depression, low mood, insomnia and ADHD based on the ground breaking research from Dr Julia Rucklidge at Canterbury University.  Life style and nutritional changes alongside prescription medicine.

This one on one educational session will be specific to your needs and what is occurring with your skin and health.  Lifestyle questions including stress, diet, exercise, skin care being used and prescribed medication being taken will be required to give accurate advice.    

Sessions can be completed online via Zoom, or face to face in clinic - $120